Sunday, June 24, 2007

Conference Room C

Over on the ridiculously niche-y team blag I'm on (Bloaves), I posted my last 'Bakery' bloave.

It wasn't my last because I stopped eating breads, or because I decided to boycott the Bakery and really mean it this time. It's my last because they suddenly closed one day, and I happened to still have one of their bars from last week chilling in our office freezer.

They say they'll re-open August 1st, and they're closed for renovations. But HQ has already moved from around the corner to across the city.

We're a smaller company, and while we have a conference table, many minor conferences happen outside. In fact, there was a bit of a joke that outside of the front door was Conference Room A, and beside the parking lot was Conference Room B. Following that logic, the bakery café was Conference Room C. A lot of meetings happened there, running all sorts of gamuts.

However, no love lost. Aside from the magic bars, there isn't a whole lot they made that ever appealed to me. If anyone from the Bakery is reading this, I've got to tell you: You should have lowered your prices or procured better ingredients.

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